My name is Louisa deason, and I got started with Network in Action as a member of Network Connection in the Memorial area in Houston, Texas.

I've been very, very tired of networking the wrong way. When I entered Network in Action, I realized it was a whole different, like the next level with people and business owners who were making decisions about their businesses, helping close bigger sales. So, what attracted me to Network in Action was that I was dealing with people who could make decisions right away, and I was dealing with technology that allowed me to not spend so much time at networking events but rather be a lot more intentional and purposeful about the relationships I was building within that Network.

So, one of the things that attracted me to Network in Action was I'd been networking most of my life, but I was networking the wrong way. The wrong way for me in creating businesses and trying to build them successfully in sales was always trying to go to networking events with a multitude of people. People who were just interested in drinking or picking up business cards, and that would happen to me. But then I'd get home and I'd go, "What was the point and purpose of picking up this individual's card?"

What I started realizing is that the moment you start getting together with the right people and talking about the right things that happen in business, and you connect with like-minded people, it becomes a lot more intentional and purposeful so that you can close that sale. And that's exactly what I was looking for. Network Connection has worked for me, not only as a prior member of Network in Action but now as a franchise owner two years in. I can tell you that we're making a real difference in the way that people network today.

Would I do this all over again with Network in Action? Absolutely. I've never been more impressed with a platform and a group and an organization of like-minded individuals that actually take the time to really look forward to helping others so greatly in their sales.

The training that Network in Action has offered me as a franchise owner has been absolutely wonderful. This is not something that I have to kind of guess and try to figure out on my own. I'm going to apply things that I think work best for my particular groups. But at the end of the day, the training has been phenomenal. The technology platform that we use and the things that continue to be added, not just for franchise owners but for the members of my own organization, is unlike anything that we've ever experienced before. There are no competitors out there with Network Connection.

I'd have to say that the first tip that I would suggest to anybody looking at purchasing a Network in Action franchise is, do you and have you lived in your area long enough to really wrap yourself around the idea of creating power teams within your groups? And I'm not talking about power groups with people who are successful in business. Maybe you have people who are hungry in business. The thing that I would focus on is, do you have someone interested in creating the wealth and creating the relationships that ultimately will last a lifetime with Network in Action.

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Discover the exceptional opportunities awaiting you as a Network In Action franchisee. Embrace our professionally structured meetings to save you over 80 hours a year while establishing authentic connections with fellow business owners. Your gateway to success in purposeful networking awaits – secure your spot now and tap into the unparalleled power of meaningful relationships!